Era de noche y hacía frío. Llevabas un suéter rosa y unas mallas vainilla. Las estrellas brillaban y tus ojos las reflejaban mientras te miraba. Cada parpadeo era para mí una vida, no podía más con las ganas de darte un beso. Me contuve llevándome la mano al cabello, jalando compulsivamente y fijando la atención en tus labios. Dijiste algo, no supe qué. Volví a dejarme ir, esta vez en el color rosado y los contornos delicados, en tus dientes y en tu lengua. No podía más, tenía que acercarme. Cada instante que te veía sin estar cerca era la muerte en vida, mi respiración se agitaba y el corazón me imploraba movimiento. Sentí náuseas y supe que no era bueno seguir resistiendo. Solté los binoculares y me puse el abrigo, bajé las escaleras azotando la puerta tras de mí. Y corrí a tu encuentro.
It was night and cold. You were wearing a pink sweater and vanilla yoga pants. Stars were sparkling and your eyes reflected them as I looked at you. Every blink was like a life for me, I couldn't stand anymore my desire to kiss you. I contained myself by driving my hand to my hair, compulsively pulling it and laying my attention upon your lips. You said something, I didn't know what. I let me go again, now in the rosé and the delicate contour, in your teeth and in your tongue. I couldn't no more, I had to approach. Every instant that I watched you not being near was death in life, my breathing was shaking and my heart begged me for movement. I felt dizzy and knew that it wasn't good to keep on resisting. I droped the binoculars and got my jacket, went down the stairs whipping the door behind me. And I ran to meet you.
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